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Writer's pictureOffLeash SoCal

Lagotto Romagnolo - Dog Training | Gio | Los Angeles, CA

This is Giovanni, or Gio for short. He is here for our three week board and train program. Gio is very lovable and seeks to please anybody that is around. He is also smart too and rings a bell at home for potty time and knows other commands as well. But he also can be a little stubborn at times and is a counter-surfer. Over the next three weeks, Gio will transform to be a pawsome pup for his whole family to enjoy so keep checking his pupdate!


PUPDATE 12/21/2020


PUPDATE 12/22/2020

Duration with Distraction in a Down command

Great Place!


PUPDATE 12/23/2020


PUPDATE 12/24/2020

Good Place Gio!

Practiced weave poles and he did so good!


PUPDATE 12/25/2020

Practicing duration down with another dog while distractions are on the playground


PUPDATE 12/26/2020


PUPDATE 12/27/2020


PUPDATE 12/28/2020

Gio was in a down command while I ate breakfast

Gio was practicing the Under command while he was underneath my kitchen table!

Great duration down on Place today Gio!


PUPDATE 12/29/2020

He barked a little at my neighbor today so I wanted to expose him to more social settings. Around 5pm, my mom and I walked my dog and Gio and at first I walked Gio and my mom walked my dog. I wanted to see if he would listen to commands without me by his side because sometimes the training dogs get very attached to the trainers. Gio did very well with the trade-off and my mom could not believe how well behaved he was! He was doing all the commands with my mom.


PUPDATE 12/30/2020

Smelling something good there, Gio?

Gio with my friend's service dog Link


PUPDATE 12/31/2020

My friend's service dog, Atlas the Australian Shepard saying cheese with Gio!


PUPDATE 1/1/2021

In a duration down while I was doing things in the garage and he did so well!

He had some relaxing time not in a command

Gio loves to rub his face into blankets and the towel was no exception!

My dog, Mira, and Gio hanging out together while I was cleaning the garage


PUPDATE 1/2/2021

If you look close you can see the "Really Katie?" look from Gio


PUPDATE 1/3/2021


PUPDATE 1/4/2021

At the mall, I had no concerns with him making sure he was heeling right next to me but there was a couple times we were making left hand turns and he would be farther out than I would like. Continues to do duration down like a champ! When we were at the park, we practiced Come to Sit as well and sometimes he would not sit in the position I like and he is now anticipating what I want him to do so he sometimes thinks I want him in a Down command so we were practicing staying in Sit for awhile. He would Down when I was just trying to tie my shoe! Practiced Place as well and used the benches and he was doing good at that. Eating/drinking/peeing/pooping normally.


PUPDATE 1/5/2021

Gio is looking pretty proud of his accomplishment!!


PUPDATE 1/6/2021

New friends!




PUPDATE 1/8/2021


PUPDATE 1/9/2021


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