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Mixed Terrier Training | Clooney | Los Angeles, CA

Clooney, a Mixed Terrier from Los Angeles, CA went through the Balanced Canine Training SoCal Board and Train Program. Clooney was trained by Cristian Loza in Fullerton, CA.

Clooney came to Balanced Canine Training SoCal with varying behavioral issues, including pulling on the leash, squirrel chasing, jumping up when greeting, counter surfing, generally not listening to commands, and barking at strangers. Balanced Canine Training SoCal was successful in transforming Harley into a well-managed pup.

The dog trainers at Balanced Canine Training SoCal are here to help you and your dog be as amazing as our before and after videos! Contact us today 562-448-3774

Meet Clooney! He is a 7 Month Mixed Terrier coming from Los Angeles, CA who has joined us for our 2 week board & train program! Clooney comes to us with some obedience commands that she's learned from her owner but has trouble holding the duration to those commands. When Clooney is distracted he won't pay any attention to anything besides what he's looking at. Clooney also has a minor barking problem when seeing things but more severe when he see's things through windows. Over the next two weeks we will work in every area to work on improving what Clooney knows and what he doesn't know. Check out his progress with me as his trainer!


Pupdate 6/30/2024

Today I met Clooney and getting to know Clooney, he did have a previous past with some issues but seemed more confident and happy upon meeting him. He showed common interest in things with me after his owner left showing me he's ok being outside and has the ability to train. I let him walk around the park we were at for a moment letting him be himself and getting some energy out. I introduced him to leash pressure applied with his prong for the moment and immediately he seemed more attentive to me. Once he decided to stop and not move I slowly applied leash pressure to see if he could move himself towards me. I will also speak and have a motivated tone when I ask him to come to me and he does so I praise him. After we finished we walked to the playground before heading back home.

Once we were home I put Clooney's belongings away and stayed with him in the front to do more training working on sit, down, and place. After fifteen minutes we went inside and he didn't mind going inside or seeing my dog while he was inside his crate at a distance. I introduced Clooney to his crate and we worked on walking in and out of it for a bit before closing the crate door entirely. Once I left his sight he barked for five minutes before stopping and going to sleep. Overall he seems to be doing fine so later today we will work more on his training before starting his e-collar introduction.


Pupdate 7/1/2024

Today we focused on our door manners obedience which went really well. Before recording I trained Clooney to understand the concept of what I’m trying to teach. After a few practices I start the video and Clooney picks up fast on what I’m trying to teach him. By walking into the kitchen and breaking him I give him a choice to go where he wants and he decides to follow me rather than going out the door. Clooney breaks his position once but is immediately redirected back inside and as always we continue to train. Once I make my way back inside the house I close the door to break him for being a good boy. Once he gets his break he comes to be for praise as every dog does.

We continued the rest of the day working in his obedience throughout the house and taking the time to teach him a new obedience command which is his recall. 


Pupdate 7/2/2024

Today we headed over to Whittier narrows park to work on our obedience training and e-collar conditioning. We started off in an area where a family was playing soccer so we stayed in the cement walkway to work on engagement since Clooney was often distracted with his surroundings. Just within a few minutes Clooneys engagement was getting better and he already is holding his positions for duration

The second video clip above is us practicing our extended down. If Clooney gets up from his down he will be redirected back into his previous command. After Clooney is redirected he seems more motivated to try and hold his obedience for longer when it comes to waiting.

The last video clip is our e-collar training and conditioning after much time of practicing with the leash. Since Clooney does well responding to most of the commands we are relying on his e-collar in the last part for Clooney to pair up his commands with the e-collar. It takes him a few tries after feeling the stimulations but his reactions are normal and is just confused on where it is coming from but can follow through with his obedience. After many repetitions we took a break in an open field and Clooney was laying on the grass before we headed back home!


Pupdate 7/3/2024

Today we started our day off waking up early to go for a walk around the neighborhood. We went for a 45 minute walk that Clooney was able to tolerate but throughout the walk he had many moments trying to go up to different areas of grass or trees. Each time he tried to do these things I would redirect him with the remote on low level settings and get his attention back on me.

Once we returned home we started to do some training in the front of the house just for practice before giving Clooney his meal for the morning. When practicing his food manners he does really well waiting but before being asked to sit he is very excited and starts to jump. Once he sits he is committed to wait so I show him variations of things I can do while he waits.

Later on after waking up from his nap we went into the backyard to focus on his place obedience command. Before practicing I ran around with him and we chased each other for a few minutes just to lighten his mood up. Now that he was super energetic it was time to put him into obedience and show him how to settle when asked. With each time he is able to place himself I will break him and restart the process and create some distance between the two of us. If he gets up I simply ask him to go back onto it by asking place again. Throughout the video he is confused at times on where the stimulations are coming which is common at times getting used to the e-collar and it's settings. Once Clooney follows through I return the normal setting on the remote back to one and work my way up in numbers if Clooney can't listen. We will continue more training in a public setting for tomorrow and try to visit a park and store setting to see how he does in both locations.


Pupdate 7/4/2024

Happy fourth of July! This morning we headed over to Downtown Fullerton to go and visit Hillcrest Park for some exercise and obedience training around the park. When we first arrived it was noticeable he was very excited being somewhere new. Walking around the park was a challenge since he wanted to lead the whole way but we worked through this. Each time Clooney would try to pass me I would turn and practice our heel going left and right to keep Clooney engaged with me. We walked around many platforms to practice our place obedience command which Clooney was able to do. We made our way near the baseball fields and had an open space to practice our extended sit and down. Few people passed by Clooney while practicing and throughout these practices he never once got up nor seemed overly excited when being asked to sit or down. While walking around he continued to try and lead so we worked through this in this area as well. We ended up near the fountain in the park and asked Clooney to place here but the water splashing seemed to make Clooney uneasy. Within a few tries Clooney jumped up and had an expression of realization and continued to walk around the fountain with ease. I asked him to down which he did displayed in the picture above. We made our last round around the park and headed home to spend the fourth of July with family.


Pupdate 7/5/2024

Today we headed over do Del Amo to work on his obedience training and to properly socialize him. We walked around many areas of the mall to pass by as much as people and stores as we could before meeting up with some of the Offleash team. When walking around Clooney wanted to try and lead me but could perform all of his other basic obedience commands with ease. We found an area that had enough open space for all of us to train so we set our stuff down and began to work on impulse control. Since Clooney is aware of listening but is very distracted by his surroundings we focused mainly on heeling and keeping Clooney engaged with me as we walked.

In the video above we start walking and right from the get go Clooney has his mind somewhere else. Less leash tension and consistent use of the remote is crucial now for conditioning him in places as busy as Del Amo. Any time in the video when Clooney turns his head towards the left I use the remote in this moment and ask for his heel to keep him engaged. Once Clooney starts to get tired it's easier to work with him and we are using less of the e-collar but if there is a moment he doesn't to now it will only be conditioned with the remote.

We perform a place and extended down towards the end of the video and as always Clooney is able to hold is down until given his break. We walked around the mall one more time before being in an area where many people were walking and at first Clooney didn't want to do any obedience trying to lure himself away from me. After being redirected just with the use of the e-collar he eventually went into a down that I asked for amongst the many people walking around us. We remained here for a moment to rest and Clooney was fine throughout this moment. We will continue to improve on Clooney's heeling in a social setting for a better confidence build.


Pupdate 7/6/2024

Today we focused on home training to improve more of Clooney's heeling to improve towards offleash obedience. We focused most of our training early in the morning before having to do some errands. While gone my mother notified me that Clooney was quiet the whole time but when I get home Clooney will start to vocalize out of excitement.

In the video above is us walking in the backyard conditioning the heel obedience command towards offleash obedience. When the leash is dropped or detached Clooney is aware and simply wants to go into playing. I stop moving and continue to ask for his heel and while Clooney is still, he is trying to tolerate the e-collar and have the ability to do what he wants as most puppies do. I go up in numbers on the remote at a very slow pace to persist Clooney his way to me and eventually he does. We have a few more moments with success and he is able to be more consistent with me. With his other obedience commands he is able to do them very well but when heeling he chooses to battle these moments still but we will continue to focus on this daily and as many times as we need to.

Our second video clip is door manners with the living room door but challenging Clooney when I walk behind him on his blindside. I open the door and make my way inside and outside the house while some of my family watches tv. As I make my way around the table offscreen what's noticeable is Clooney's ability to stay straight until I make my way back to break him. As soon as I say break he is rewarded with his praise. We also took the time to practice food manners which has been going well with Clooney waiting patiently since the beginning of his training.


Pupdate 7/7/2024

Today we made our way to Anaheim pet & feed to focus on impulse control and leash dragging to offleash obedience. When we first arrived as always Clooney was very excited and wanted to lead me but simply being consistent with his e-collar keeps him engaged with me. We had the leash drag the entire time and if there was any moment Clooney was willing to get distracted I would use the e-collar to communicate with him. When practicing our obedience he did well with his sit and stay as close to me as he could when walking through the aisles. When asking for his down he started to bark and became overstimulated for no apparent reason, as if he was just bored and wanted to play. He did get up many times so I would place my hand on the leash but rely on the remote to help me motivate Clooney into his down. He would follow through but then break his position so we had to practice this in different areas of the store which eventually got better. Many people brought their dogs inside the store and any that passed by us or barked towards Clooney. I would always ask for his off obedience command and he would always look back at my eyes for confirmation.

Thirty minutes into being in the store, Clooney seemed more obedient with training and was less impulsive to get away from me. In the last photo above I asked Clooney to place on the platform for food that was clear but Clooney would walk away from it as if it was alarming to him. It took me a few minutes to persuade him to get on but once he did I immediately gave him a break for his reward. The second time I asked he did this with ease so I followed up with his down and we were able to remain her for two minutes before being given another break.


Pupdate 7/8/2024

Today we headed over to Whittier Narrows Park in El Monte, CA for offleash obedience training. When we first arrived Clooney had the idea he was able to act on his zoomies and instinctively run around without my permission. If he does this he can have a need to be chased which I wont contribute to. When using the e-collar to redirect him I don't speak unless I'm using the remote to signal him because if i was to ask for one command at an overwhelming pace this would confuse him. Once Clooney redirected himself to me we made our way inside the park and trained near our Offleash friends.

In the video is our progress of our obedience so far. We walk together and continue to focus our heel together to close as much distance together for a better quality heel. I use my hand to signal Clooney for his heel and if he doesn't listen to the first time I asked, the e-collar is followed up. Clooney is very aware of what he has to do now and is able to work through any moment a distraction passes by us. Two of my associates pass by us with their dogs and each time they are in close distance to Clooney, I say off. Once they pass by multiple times I break Clooney to be rewarded. In moments like these it's ideal to speak to Clooney and keep him notified about what I'm asking for.

By the end of our practice I asked Clooney to down close to all my associates and he was often getting up seeing all the dogs walking around us training with their trainers. I had to often redirect Clooney back into his down which was about twenty times that he did this. The final moment he decides to lay in his down he lets me create distance without getting up. We will continue to work around as many dogs or other animals when given the opportunity.


Pupdate 7/9/2024

Today we headed over to Citadel Outlets to focus on our heel obedience to improve our walks when out socializing. When we first arrived Clooney wasn't excited but until we walked into the shopping center, Clooney wanted to go everywhere. When walking around I had to use the remote many times to keep Clooney close and consistent with me. What was noticeable today is his desire to investigate each store we passed by. He would try to travel to each open door that was open for the stores. I would ask him to heel each time he would do this and we would work through this as we remained here. When asking for his other obedience commands he did really well with a few moments of breaking his obedience but was easily redirected and able to perform with ease. Clooney does get tired quickly being in a bigger social setting so we took a break and rested before going on for other walks or training. Once we stayed as long as we needed to we headed back home to socialize Clooney with Hunter for the first time.

After going on many walks together and seeing each other in the house for a while, I took Clooney and Hunter to the backyard to greet each other which went well. Hunter was possessive with Clooney at times so I would disengage Hunter from Clooney and allow him to play when more relaxed. Clooney acts normal when playing and can tend to bark at times which is normal.


Pupdate 7/10/2024

Today I took Hunter and Clooney for a walk together in the morning which has been going well. Throughout the first week I kept them separate just for them to become familiar with each other seeing their presence on a day to day basis.

In the video above is a puppy play video of them interacting with each other. They act accordingly with each other but my dog Hunter can sometimes overwhelm dogs he's enjoying himself with. If I need to stop a dog from misbehaving while playing I'll intervene and get in between the dogs and ask the both of them for their off obedience command to stop them from moving. Once they are both still I'll say break and have them continue on and play, I gave them multiple times to play throughout the day and once they are done I'll ask Hunter to go in his crate while me and Clooney train on our obedience.

We focused on home training focusing on offleash obedience only. We focused in the front running around to see if this would instigate Clooney's impulse to run away but he was chasing me more and when turning away from him he was consistently keeping his attention on me. We focused on our recall, sit, down & place which went really well with Clooney acting like his puppy self.


Pupdate 7/11/2024

Today we headed over to Santa Monica to meet up with the Offleash team and practice more of our obedience training. When we first arrived he did well with seeing no dogs but once our friends started to show up with their dogs, Clooney started to show interest in saying hi but nothing else. Making our way to the pier we had to use the e-collar to redirect Clooney closer to me since we had many various distractions each step of the way. Once we made our way onto the pier we picked an open area to train while people passed by us. We took our time working on all of our obedience commands which went well. Something noticeable today was when walking through crowds offleash Clooney could get intimidated by the constant flow of traffic so I kept his leash on to work through this but once we had open space I would take his leash off and we could continue to train. When training offleash today at the pier we were able to perform our sit, down & place with extended duration. We also had one guest greet Clooney today which he did ok with needing to be redirected into his sit but was able to successfully wait while being petted. We will continue to train in more social settings to help with walking through crowds or groups of people for a better confidence build.


Pupdate 7/12/2024

Today Hunter and Clooney went for a walk in the morning which went well. They got to play for some time before having some food and taking another nap after so much exercise. Clooney didn't poop at all yesterday and had gone potty in the backyard when playing but at the very end when he kept going he started to poop blood, possibly from slight constipation. If he continues to poop blood I'll take him to visit the Vet but he remains as playful and joyful after. After a few hours once Clooney woke up we started to train. We focused on door manners and car manners which goes well but when practicing still with a door Clooney can typically get excited for moments like this.

In the video above we show our food obedience which has been going on really well when practicing. In the beginning of Clooney's board & train he has always shown good manners when waiting even if he's excited to see or hear his food. If Clooney breaks his position he is simply redirected and can wait as always for a good amount of time before being given his break. I walk in and out of the house and since I'm leaving his sight it shows Clooney's confidence to be obedient. We took time today to head out to do some shopping with my younger brother going to The Block of Orange and Brea mall but unfortunately when walking offleash security at both places stopped us recording and had us keep our leash attached to Clooney so we will be out tomorrow trying to work again offleash.


Pupdate 7/13/2024

Today is Clooney's last day on his board and train so we started today off with an early walk in the morning with Hunter. We went for a 45 minute walk and did some training with the both of them in front of the house before letting them play in the backyard. After some time passed by and Clooney woke up from his nap I took him to a park near my house to have some offleash freedom and just enjoy himself. He pooped normal stool with no trace of blood in it but is still monitored throughout the day.

In the video above I run around and act silly with Clooney letting him hear the clarity coming from my voice while running. Rather than running away he chases me and continues to follow me even on his break. I walk in every direction to see if Clooney wants to be independent but would rather act as a Velcro dog now. We headed over to Brea mall to walk around offleash again. The mall was busier than yesterday so walking through crowds was a challenge Clooney would stop at times from not being able to see me. We headed over to Cerritos which was busy as well but more space to walk around and through crowds.

In the second video clip above Clooney and I are using an open space in the mall just walking around practicing our obedience. I have Clooney focus on his down to process all the people walking around giving him the time to desensitize himself. We got many comments of people passing by saying how well behaved Clooney is or what a well behaved dog he is. Shortly after we walked throughout the mall trying to pass by anyone walking in groups or any amount of people. We took our time slowly and would walk in between open gaps that had enough space for me and Clooney which he was working through. Once we made our last lap around the mall Clooney was consistent with his heel with no issues.

Clooney did really well through his training, showing confidence daily and being able to perform his commands at many different places. Clooney might be young but he is very smart and aware of how to communicate to a human through his obedience. Clooney had many fun moments with me and will be missed by my family since we all gave him attention when needed! Clooney is ready to go home!



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