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Roman | Central Asian Shepherd | Los Angeles, CA

Meet Roman, a lovable 6-month-old Central Asian Shepherd who has just joined us at Offleash Socal for a two-week board and train program. This big pup has no idea just how large he is, leading to some safety concerns that will require some solid structure & training. Currently, he's barking and lunging on leash, as well as guarding food and resources—truly one big, mischievous puppy! Thankfully, his undeniable cuteness is hard to resist, and we're excited to help him become the well-mannered companion he has the potential to be!


Pupdate 9/15/2024

Roman has some challenges to address, including leash pulling, reactivity towards other dogs and people, and occasional guarding of food and resources. During drop-off, both Roman and his sister showed signs of reactivity towards several dogs, and it was evident that their harnesses were worsening these behaviors. We switched Roman to a slip collar; however, his previous experience with leash pressure led him to resist any movement. So, we got to work! I brought him home and started introducing a place bed, which serves as a clear physical marker for an area without leash pressure. If he steps off the bed, leash pressure will turn back on, but will release as soon as he returns to the bed. This process is an easy first step to help recondition Roman's understanding of leash pressure to follow it rather than fight it. I introduced him to my personal dog and he was surprisingly timid given what I had seen at the park. I allowed my dog to lay in the background as we trained and Roman seemed unbothered! Overall, it was an excellent first day. 


Pupdate 9/16/2024

Roman had an outstanding second day with us. He slept soundly through the night without any accidents. We began with an early morning walk, during which we began conditioning the e-collar. This process involves pairing low-level stimulation with leash pressure, teaching Roman to effectively disengage the e-collar while using the leash as a guiding tool. More instructional videos later in the program will explain this in more detail! Later in the afternoon, we participated in a group trainer meetup, and Roman impressed us with his surprisingly calm demeanor around the other dogs. He refused his morning portion of kibble but happily ate his dinner. This is not uncommon as dogs adjust to new schedules/environments. While he may still be taking some time to fully adjust and reveal his true personality, his performance on only his second day was exceptional.


Pupdate 9/17/2024

This morning, we enjoyed a long walk where we encountered several barking dogs behind fences. This presented an excellent opportunity to reinforce his heel command amidst distractions. I am pleased to report that Roman now requires only gentle reminders with the leash to maintain his position, which marks significant improvement since day one.

In the afternoon, we focused on kennel drills, teaching him to enter the kennel on command and wait calmly for his release. We concluded the day with a training session centered on the place command, which will be invaluable in situations where you prefer Roman to remain disengaged, such as during cooking, cleaning, or welcoming guests.

I also noticed that Roman is becoming more comfortable around my personal dog, indicating a desire to play. While he occasionally feels overwhelmed when my dog engages him, he is gradually learning appropriate social skills with a very stable companion. Overall, Roman is making wonderful progress, and I look forward to continuing to build on these foundations.


Pupdate 9/18/2024

Roman's day began with playtime alongside Kilo, and it was heartwarming to see him engaging respectfully and gradually opening up more. In the afternoon, we headed to the park for a significant training session. We introduced a long line, allowing Roman to explore while we practiced recall. We also focused on holding the down command in public settings, working through distractions like squirrels and other dogs. To wrap up the day, we practiced tandem heeling around the dog park to assess his reactivity, and I'm thrilled to report that he remained completely calm. While Roman may have been exhausted after such a busy day, this is a positive indication of how well his training is progressing. Overall, today served as an excellent test of his training in a new environment, and he truly excelled.


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