Priscilla Kohr
Dog Trainer
AKC Evaluator
Member Professional Dog Trainers Association
K9 First Aid & CPR Certified
Priscilla’s life has been marked by many of her beloved pets who have come and gone. From little hamsters to ducks, and the classic cats and dogs, she’s found the process of earning each animal’s trust a truly fulfilling process.
Even more than earning their trust, Priscilla is invested in understanding the behavior of each pet she trains. She’s discovered her cat’s tolerance for behavior shaping (it’s minimal) and has learned to keep training sessions very short. As a result, her cat is now able to give high fives, shakes from both paws, and best of all- she spins! Her dog, Pancake, has undergone a similar training regime, but with much longer training sessions. Priscilla had learned to put aside strict behavior shaping in the beginning in order to build the trust between herself and her skittish, adopted puppy. It was an exciting process, marked by milestones when Pancake would finally understand Priscilla’s intentions and begin exploring ways to earn her treat.
Every dog Priscilla’s ever taken care of, whether it was her own or a friend’s, had been subject to her curious venture into dog training. Some learned fast and retained their tricks, while others forgot the moment the treat bag went away. Both have fueled the passion for training in Priscilla’s heart.
The dog’s behavior is only one part of the puzzle. Priscilla’s favorite part is sharing with the pet parents what new manners and tricks their fur baby knows, and watching the dog finally understand that their commands could come from their favorite human too! She works to realize a world where every owner trusts their dog, and every dog trusts their owner. Plus, who doesn’t love a dog with a party trick?